Politics! Oh No!

Here I go, in this election year, bringing up this nasty subject,  I can hardly restrain myself. It seems like the taboo subject that everyone has an opinion and nothing ever changes. I have been in situations where I have seen people get physically uncomfortable and have to remove themselves. This is our country folks. And a pretty damned nice country at that!

As I have mentioned before, my first political event was on the shoulders of my dear Uncle Elmer walking three blocks away from our house to see a presidential candidate speak. I remember very little of the event itself, except for how my Aunt and Uncle felt about the candidate and how happy they were to see this young vibrant guy running for president of the United States of America. My aunt had all the tabloids and photos of Jackie Kennedy and her beautiful clothes and her daughter. She even made me a dress to match Jackie’s. That is just how these people were to me. We followed the election and I was told without a doubt we were a Democratic family and always had been and I was to remember, we always would be. When John became president it was like an emergent moment if he appeared on the TV and made a speech. It suddenly got quiet and it was, at that moment, not about me anymore. I felt expected to listen. My Annie would tell me about government and what the constitution stood for and how my Uncle Rick had fought for our great nation in WWI. When there was a holiday calling for the flag, it was on the porch. Flag day, The 4th of July, President’s day Memorial Day, Labor Day. It didn’t cause discussion, that was just the way it was. From a very young age I was taught to love my country and always put my hand over my heart and show respect when the flag when by in a parade or if we were reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. The way that my family loved our country stayed with me.
In later years, when I was with my parents, my dad also would talk about the sacrifices made and he always said we were Democrats. He was the president of The Veterans of Foreign Wars and he took it very seriously when a fellow Vet was in need or needed a proper burial. For all the things my dad wasn’t, he loved this nation and was, of course a Democrat. He would go to great lengths to see to it that the trumpet player was available and that the flag was cared for properly and placed upon the casket. My dad watched all the speeches and knew what was happening everyday. At the time I was a child, Vietnam was going strong. I remember every night watching the names of the fallen soldiers scroll by at the end of the evening news. My family stopped what they were doing, and paid respect. My dad had a drinking buddy, his name was Shorty. He was a very small man with red hair and he lived in the mountains where I first remember going to see him. I went up with them to visit. We took provisions like coffee , flour, eggs, and of course beer.. I was always intrigued by this little guy. He was so fun and always talked to me and told me stories of being in the service and being overseas. He was very supportive of the Democrats and I knew , he must be ok. A few years later, when I was a teen, Shorty died in the Vet’s hospital. I recieved a letter from the President of the United States with a special award for Shorty’s service and sacrifice,  I still have that letter and when I am gone, no one else will know what a goofy little guy that was and how he had left instruction for me to have that letter.
My uncle Rick had been in the first world war and didn’t talk about it much other than to say he was one of the few survivors when the Lusatania was shot down and he had to swim to shore. Uncle Rick, also a Democrat, never wavered from that stance. It was like those crooked Republicans were going to ruin our country!  “Tricky Dick” was how my family referred to Richard Nixon. They would banter back and forth about how he had betrayed the country and how much they disliked him. Watergate was big deal to them, they listened to all the hearings and were so glad when he was forced to resign. The attitude with which my family loved this nation was embedded in me. I can’t help but think it must have been embedded in them as children. They never let a day go by that they didn’t remind me of what a great nation we were priviledged to call home. The Cold War was ugly and television by this time was very outspoken about the Russians and how they wanted us dead. My aunt would tell me what to do in case of a nuclear attack, like it would make a difference. I was shown how to get under  the desk at school  and remain there until she would come to get me. Not sure exactly what she thought a nuclear attack would mean. But the wheels started turning in my head that I wanted a strong confident leader, not somebody that was fashionable or made great speeches. I guess you know by now where this is going. Against all odds, I became a Republican!
So in this election year, I feel very strongly about the issues. Things are different now than they were 50 years ago. What is on TV now would make my late family members spin in their graves. The idea that lesbians and gays were even out would make them crazy. Abortion talked about on TV?  Having a former television and movie star as president would have scared them. But I think maybe, against all odds they might have liked Ron Reagan and his stance on taking down that wall. His idea that less government and more people involvment was better. Could they somehow have switched to the dark side? I think maybe in the voting booth, but Democrat was the only option as far as they were concerned.
In my future writings I will be telling you about a young man, a Swede, that help me and my children see the world differently. In this election year, with social media and all the ways to be involved, he and I are often at odds. How funny would it be if my family could see me now. How obnoxious I can be about issues and how I can’t keep my mouth shut. But one thing I know, especially after they got over the shock of my party choice. My late family would know, without a doubt I love this United States of America!

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